Driver Detection
by Global Telemetrics
Protect your vehicle further with the Driver Detection cards available with our SmarTrack 5 devices.
The credit card-sized system fits nicely in your wallet or purse and gives extra protection as the tracking system checks to determine the card is present within the vehicle while driving. If the card is not present, you will be contacted by the Global Telemetrics Secure Control Centre to check if your vehicle is safe.
How To Use
You must ensure the tag is turned on when you use your vehicle. To turn on the tag, press the green button located on the back. A blue LED will flash once; this signals the tag is turned on. To switch off the tag, press the same button, and a blue LED will flash 3 times in quick succession.
What is Driver Detection?
Driver Detection is a Bluetooth enabled rechargeable tag that you must carry with you whenever you drive your vehicle. The tracking system fitted to your vehicle will recognise if the tag is present in the vehicle whenever it is moved. If the card is not present, an alert will be generated to the Global Telemetrics Secure Control Centre.
What if I have left the Driver Detection card at home?
Global Telemetrics will contact you and any approved contacts on the account to confirm the status of your vehicle. Where required, the Global Telemetrics Control Centre will also leave voicemails and send out text messages if we cannot reach you or your approved contacts. Therefore, we strongly recommend having more than one contact number registered on your account.
What if I have left my mobile phone at home?
Global Telemetrics will attempt to contact you and any approved contacts on the account to confirm the status of your vehicle. We strongly recommend having more than one contact number registered on your account if we’re unable to reach the registered driver of the vehicle.
How long will the charge last?
This is dependent on how much the vehicle is driven; however, if the card battery has run low, the Global Telemetrics Secure Control Centre will contact you and advise you to charge the card.
What’s the difference between Driver Detection and D-iD™?
Driver Detection utilises a Bluetooth card that you must carry with you whenever you drive your vehicle. Our D-iD™ system operates instead via your Android/iOS device, removing the need to carry any separate cards with you. For further information on our D-iD™ System, please visit
What happens if my vehicle is stolen?
If your vehicle is moved without the Driver Detection card present, the Global Telemetrics Secure Control Centre will contact you to confirm the status of your vehicle. If your vehicle has been stolen, you will need to report this as soon as possible to your local police and obtain a crime reference or incident number. Once you have these details, please call our Control Centre on 0808 1684 999 from the UK or abroad +44 (0) 1530 275 920.
Can I purchase further cards for other family members or colleagues?
Yes, additional cards are available to purchase directly from your original installing company. If you require further information, please call Global Telemetrics on 0800 279 6401, and a member of the team will be happy to help.
How is my personal information kept safe?
Global Telemetrics is recognised as ISO 27001. This ISO certification is for ‘Information Security Management. For further information regarding ISO 27001, please visit
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International: +44 (0)1530 275920