Global Telemetrics App
With all SmarTrack tracking systems, you are entitled to a free Global Telemetrics Android/Apple app to view information about your tracking system. Please see the below information.

A powerful notifications centre allows you to receive multiple alerts direct to your mobile device via push notification. Receive alerts for geofences, battery warnings (including low battery & battery disconnects), movement alerts & more.
Optional Remote Immobilisation
Some of our devices have the option to immobilise your vehicle, press a button within the app to immobilise/mobilise your vehicle.
Service Mode
Temporarily disable your alerts if your vehicle is in the garage or being transported. Please note by activating service mode, all alerts, including push notifications and those received by the Global Telemetrics Control Centre, will be disabled for your specified time period.
Download the FREE Global Telemetrics
Android/Apple APP

Freephone: 08002796401
International: +44 (0)1530 275920