See below for information regarding some of our frequently asked questions; please click here to contact us if you require any further information.
About SmarTrack
Who are Global Telemetrics?
Global Telemetrics is a Secure Monitoring platform that monitors all SmarTrack and partnering tracking devices. The control centre is in operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
How do I get a SmarTrack device installed?
We offer a full UK, Ireland and Channel Island (Jersey) installation service using a network of over 1,000 fully trained, qualified and experienced installing engineers. These engineers can often offer a mobile service at your home, place of work or car dealership prior to you taking delivery of your vehicle, if required. Alternatively you can take your vehicle to one of the local Global Telemetrics approved installation centres for your SmarTrack device to be fitted. Please email sales@smartrack.uk.net or call 0800 279 6401.
For further information regarding Thatcham please click here to visit their website.
I’ll call you tomorrow because you won't be open later will you?
Our Secure Control Centre is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our dedicated Nights team are very experienced in dealing with any queries, they will be able to assist whenever you require it.
Our Devices
What is GPS?
GPS stands for Global Positioning System, GPS is a Satellite geolocation system for location information.
What is GPRS?
GPRS refers to the SIM connection used by Mobile Networks to send data through the SIM connection.
What is GSM?
GSM refers to the SIM connection used by Mobile Networks for calls and text messaging.
How do I know the tracker is working?
When your approved SmarTrack engineer installs your system of choice, they will commission your device via our commissioning app or the Global Telemetrics Commissioning desk. At this time, the app or Secure Control Centre team member will check the information provided by the device and confirm full operation of the SmarTrack tracker. The information will include battery voltage, battery back/up voltage, ignition key position (on or off) and its GPS position. With all of the latest models of SmarTrack tracking devices a free Android/Apple app is available to the customer to view locations.
Can I see locations of my vehicle?
If you have a CAT5/S5/SmarTrack Fleet/uTrack/Trident/Maxi/Caravan system installed you can have a full secure online account- this will show you your vehicle’s location on a virtual map. You will also have full fleet features including multiple Geofences, journey history and reports. With all the latest models of SmarTrack tracking devices a free Android/Apple app is available to view locations.
Does the device have a battery backup?
All SmarTrack hard wired tracking devices have battery backups inside, the battery backup charges everytime the vehicle’s ignition is used. The device will then run from the battery backup if the main Live supply is removed or the vehicle battery is removed.
What are Driver Detection cards?
Driver Detection cards are a recognition card system where the driver of the vehicle has to carry this card whilst they are driving. If the card is not with the car during a journey the Secure Control Centre will contact the account holder to confirm the vehicle is safe.
Does this system require any batteries?
The card itself is rechargeable through USB cable provided with the cards.
What happens if I lose my Driver Detection card?
Please contact Global Telemetrics via customerservices@globaltelemetrics.com a member of the team will run through the process.
Can I Purchase extra Driver Detection cards for my vehicle?
Yes, Please contact Global Telemetrics via customerservices@globaltelemetrics.com a member of the team will run through the process.
Can I turn off/on my Driver Detection Card?
Yes, the cards feature a button on the back of the card and the LED below will flash once to confirm the card is off and flash 3 times to confirm the card is on.
How long does the Battery last on a single Charge?
The battery will last for 2 – 3 months depending on vehicle usage.
Can I keep the Driver Detection Card in my Wallet/Purse?
Yes as long as the Wallet/Purse is not RFID protected.
Can I put my Driver Detection Card onto my keys / do you do a keyring version?
The simple answer for this one is no, but we feel with good reason! With the increase of thefts and violent thefts including break ins, we wanted our detection cards to be a separate entity. If someone breaks into your house and steals your keys, because the card isn’t attached, the system will generate an alert to our Secure Control Centre and we will contact you immediately. This gives us a better chance of getting your car back quickly.
Can the police see my data?
We will never share data without permission from the owner, unless under a court order / court warrant from the police. Similarly, your app account can only be accessed by you and people you give access to. To have an account added for your vehicle to the app we will need your permission and the email of the person to add it to our system.
Theft and Alerts
Can trackers be detected, and can they be removed?
Whilst tracking devices can be removed, our systems are purposely well hidden within the vehicle to avoid being detected. Our devices go into a sleep mode to stop transmission of a constant signal. Our Stolen Vehicle Recovery Team have a wealth of knowledge, with years of experience plus additional tools and methods available in the event a tracking device has been signal jammed or tampered with.
What do I do if my vehicle gets stolen?
You must report the theft to the Police. The Police Control desk will then issue you with a Crime Reference Number. Then call the Global Telemetrics Secure Control Centres dedicated Theft number 0808 1684 999 (International +44 (0) 1530 275 920) and select option 1. Please have your customer number along with the Crime Reference ready and the tracking process will begin. Global Telemetrics will contact our own dedicated Repatriations Team who liaise with the Police and update as soon as possible.
If my car is stolen, why do you switch my apps off and refuse to tell me the location?
As a duty of care to our customers, company policy dictates that we will not disclose the location of the car and suspend access to the app for the customers own safety. We do this to prevent the customer attending the location before the police or our Auto-Crime Investigation Team and becoming in danger.
What are movements Alerts?
If you have a Thatcham certified device the Global Telemetrics Secure control Centre will call you if your vehicle is moved without the ignition being turned on (trailer or low loader).
What are Battery Alerts?
All wired SmarTrack devices will alert the Global Telelmetrics Secure Control Centre if the battery is disconnected, the team will contact you immediately if this happens. In the GTE Track app alerts can be configured to send alerts via push notification if the battery begins to run low.
Why may I not get an alert on a Ferry?
This depends on where your vehicle is within the Ferry, due to most ferries being made of metal this can reduce the strength of the signal while being transported.
What if I have forgotten my mobile phone / my phone has run flat / I am in a low signal area?
Global Telemetrics will contact the customer using all means possible leaving messages and sending texts where applicable. We advise where possible for the customer to have more than one contact number for Global Telemetrics to contact.
When do I pay for the system?
Immediately after the vehicle is commissioned on the Global Telemetrics system, a payment email will be sent to the email address provided with a link to pay online.
Who do I pay my Subscription to?
Subscription payments are to be made payable to Global Telemetrics Limited.
Please either use the link provided within the payment email or call a member of staff on 0800 279 6401. We are open 24 hours a day. Once your payment details are taken and processed, we will be able to monitor your vehicle 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. After the payment has been processed, a certificate will then be sent to you confirming the tracking device is installed and that all current monitoring fees have been paid.
What is the Duration of Vehicle Ownership Subscription?
Duration of Vehicle Ownership Subscription covers you for the length of time that you own the original vehicle the device has been installed to. The subscription may be transferred to another vehicle once within the first 12 months of the installation date. Should the system be removed and refitted for a second time, or after the initial 12 month period, you are required to repay and restart your subscription payment. All works must be carried out by a Global Telemetrics accredited engineer. Please contact Global Telemetrics if you require details for an authorised dealership.
Please note Duration of Vehicle Ownership is not available on self tracking products.
What is an Annual Subscription?
Annual Subscription covers you for a 12 month period. This period is effective from the date of the subscription payment.
Do you offer a monthly Subscription?
Global Telemetrics offers a monthly subscription through Direct Debit. Minimum term is 12 months.
My first payment has come out at double why is this?
When first subscribing, through the online form, you will be billed for 2 months as per our terms and conditions, for the third month this will go to your single agreed amount.
Do I get a certificate to confirm a tracking device is installed?
Yes, all installed devices that are monitored by Global Telemetrics will receive certification, these will be received via email in PDF format. A physical copy may also be sent upon request.
Can I keep my SmarTrack system if I change my vehicle?
Yes. If you decide to change your vehicle, you can have the system removed and re-fitted to an alternative vehicle. All works carried out in relation to the system must be carried out by a Global Telemetrics accredited dealer. Please bear in mind that if you have purchased a Duration of Vehicle Ownership, you may need to re-pay and restart your subscription policy. If you have purchased an Annual policy, you will not lose any subscription as the remaining time left on the policy will cover your new vehicle.
Please contact Global Telemetrics if you require details for an authorised dealership who can arrange the removal and refit of the system for you. Labour cost will be applicable for this to be completed. The approved Global Telemetrics installer will re-fit and re-test the tracker unit and provide us with the new vehicle details. New documentation will then be sent for your records.
If I change my vehicle, do I lose my subscription if I pay annually?
No, we can transfer the Annual Subscription to enable cover being provided for the new vehicle with no administrative charges being charged.
Do I lose my subscription if I pay Duration of Vehicle Ownership?
Possibly, yes. If the tracker was originally installed for more than 12 months, or it is being removed and refitted multiple times, you will need to re-pay and restart your subscription policy.
Please note, the Duration option is not available within our Self monitoring range.
What warranty do I get?
Your device has a standard 36 month Global Telemetrics guarantee. This begins on the day the unit was originally installed. If a fault appears within this period we will repair or replace the device for you.
Should a fault develop within the first year of the system being installed you are required to contact your supplying dealer who will aim to rectify the problem for you. After this period, please contact Global Telemetrics who will arrange for the required work to be completed.
We also offer an extended parts and labour warranty after the initial 36 month warranty has expired. We can offer this extended warranty for the unit, up to a maximum of 12 years from the original purchase date.
I have purchased a vehicle with a SmarTrack tracker fitted – can I subscribe to it?
Yes. You will however, need to pay your own subscription policy. Any remaining policy from a previous owner will not be transferred to cover you. You can choose from an Annual or Duration of Vehicle Ownership policy. Please be aware, an administration fee will also be required at this point.
Once all fees have been processed we can activate the system for you. This will usually be completed remotely (over the air) via our GSM/GPS technology. Should the device not re-activate, we may need to arrange for an engineer to visit you to carry out work.
Please note Duration of Vehicle Ownership is not available on self tracking products.
What happens if I sell my car with the device still fitted?
If you sell your car with the device fitted you will need to notify us in writing. Once we have received this written confirmation, we will be able to remove your details from the account.
If you have registered an email address with us, you can inform us of any changes using this registered account. Please send your email to: customerservices@globaltelemetrics.com
You will need to include your name, customer number and vehicle registration and confirm the changes required for us to update your account.
If you do not have a registered email address with us, please send a written letter confirming the changes.
If I sell my vehicle with the tracker still connected am I due a refund?
As per the terms and conditions of the contract with us, refunds are only eligible in the first 14 days.
What do I do if I want to change any of my details recorded when installed?
If you require us to change any details on your account, we must receive these changes in writing. If you have registered an email address with us, you can inform us of any changes using this registered account. Please send your email to: customerservices@globaltelemetrics.com You will need to include your name, customer number and vehicle registration and confirm the changes required for us to update your account. If you do not have a registered email address with us, please send a written letter confirming the changes.
How is my personal information kept safe?
Global Telemetrics is recognised as ISO 27001. This ISO accreditation is for ‘Information Security Management’. For further information regarding ISO 27001 please visit https://www.bsigroup.com/
GTE Track and D-ID
How do I get my App Account?
Information regarding the app can be found within your Welcome Email. This will include download links. Alternatively, the app can be downloaded via the links below.
What are Geofences?
Geofences are a virtual perimeter that is placed around a location for added security. When the device enters/exits the area the user is then emailed to confirm this.
My App/Online account states the wrong house number on the data?
Unfortunately this is something out of our control, the GPS signal can bounce a little when close to buildings and we can’t always show the correct number of the house.
How do I reset my Password for my app?
On the login page of the app, there is a password reset button where your password can be changed by sending an email with a link.
What is D-iD™?
D-iD™ is an alternative to the driver tags. When your vehicle’s ignition is turned on, a push notification will be sent through to your phone via the GTE Track app, if everything is ok you can swipe authorised use, if you believe this shouldn’t be the case you can press report and a member of the Global Telemetrics Team will be in contact immediately.
Is D-iD™Thatcham Assured?
Yes, D-iD™ has been processed through the Thatcham criteria for the S5 category.
Can my partner/spouse also have a D-iD™ login?
Yes they can, however this can only be requested by the main account holder. This has to be requested in writing by emailing customerservice@globaltelemetrics.com
Online Accounts
What website do I visit to access my online account?
How do I get my Online Account?
If your device has the capability for an online account login details will be provided within your welcome email.
What are Reports?
Reports are information broken down into set criteria such as journey breakdown, All Activity and Geofence Reports.

Freephone: 08002796401
International: +44 (0)1530 275920
Email: info@smartrack.uk.net
Website: https://smartrack.uk.net