Theft Case Study: Stolen FIAT Ducato Autotrail Motorhome

There is a myth that if your vehicle is stolen and you don’t get it back within the first 48 hours then you wont get it back at all. Thankfully, this is definitely a myth and not fact and the following case study shows that even after a few days a vehicle can be found and recovered back to a customer. 

After coming back from 5 days away, our customer arrived home to find that their Fiat Auto Trail was no longer at their home address. The customer immediately contacted our dedicated Stolen Vehicle Recovery control centre and confirmed the vehicle had been stolen. As procedure he was advised to gain a crime reference number and we contacted our dedicated Repatriations Team.

In the event of a theft of an asset the following process will occur: 

  1. Customer will report their vehicle stolen on our dedicated theft line/Global Telemetrics will ring the customer to make them aware of one of the alerts that our system generates (Vehicle moving without ignition, Battery disconnected, Driver Detection not present)
  2. If not already obtained, customer will be advised to ring the police and obtain a crime reference number
  3. Global Telemetrics work with our agents who work alongside the police to secure your asset. Upon a receipt of crime reference number, agents will attend the location of your vehicle
  4. As a safety precaution, upon notifying Global Telemetrics of a theft all access to our apps is temporarily disabled. We will keep the owner informed of any updates so they can rest assured everything is in hand. Global Telemetrics will not provide customers with an exact location of the asset to avoid customers endangering themselves
  5. When the vehicle is secured, Global Telemetrics will call the customer to confirm that the vehicle is safe
  6. The police will arrange with the customer collection of the vehicle either from its location or after recovery and forensic examination 

With the Crime Reference number confirmed, our team were able to look back through data to discover that the vehicle was stolen 4 days earlier The location was immediately passed to our Repatriations Team. 

In 90 minutes from being reported to our control centre, the police armed with the location provided, were with the motorhome. The motorhome was found in a garage on false plates and flat tyres. 

This theft just goes to show that vehicles can indeed be found days later from the point of first being stolen and is another example of how motorhomes across the country are being targeted as they emerge from their storage facilities.

As the spring and summer approaches and your caravans and motorhomes are ‘back on the road’, get the best protection for your vehicle possible by contacting us today!

For details of the products we have on offer please visit 

For Motorhome devices Click Here

For Caravan devices Click Here

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