Helping to protect your vehicle even while you are asleep

I know what you are thinking… why a case study about one of the most stolen vehicles in the UK and the vehicle that made up 67% of May ‘22’s recovery figures. 

With the recovery of this Range Rover highlights the efficiency and frankly brilliance of the SmarTrack Trident S7 device, our 24/7 Control Centre and our Repatriations Team. Yes that’s correct with this one we are showing off! 

In the early hours of the morning our control centre received an alert that our customers’ Range Rover battery had been disconnected, straight away, Benn from our Stolen Vehicle Recovery team attempted to call the customer but the customer was not responding. Looking through vehicle data Benn was able to analyse that this disconnection and following movement were very unusual at that time of the morning. After several more attempts to contact the customer, Benn contacted our repatriations team and asked them to check it out. 

In a usual theft situation, a crime reference number will be passed to us from the customer before attending the location of the vehicle. However, in certain situations where this is not possible and time is of the essence our Repatriations Team will liaise with the police to get a CAD reference number and attend the vehicle. 

In the usual event of a theft of an asset the following process will occur: 

  1. Customer will report their vehicle stolen on our dedicated theft line/Global Telemetrics will ring the customer to make them aware of one of the alerts that our system generates (Vehicle moving without ignition, Battery disconnected, Driver Detection not present)
  2. If not already obtained, customer will be advised to ring the police and obtain a crime reference number
  3. Global Telemetrics work with our agents who work alongside the police to secure your asset. Upon a receipt of crime reference number, agents will attend the location of your vehicle
  4. As a safety precaution, upon notifying Global Telemetrics of a theft all access to our apps is temporarily disabled. We will keep the owner informed of any updates so they can rest assured everything is in hand. Global Telemetrics will not provide customers with an exact location of the asset to avoid customers endangering themselves
  5. When the vehicle is secured, Global Telemetrics will call the customer to confirm that the vehicle is safe
  6. The police will arrange with the customer collection of the vehicle either from its location or after recovery and forensic examination 

With the vehicle secured and safe under the watchful eye of our Repatriation Team, the hunt was on to contact the vehicle’s owner. A few hours after the original disconnection alert, our control centre was finally able to contact the vehicle owner. The owner was currently out of the country and the vehicle was under care of a driver who also was unable to contact. 

With still no confirmation the vehicle had definitely been stolen our Repatriations Team stayed with the vehicle until confirmation could be obtained. A full 6 hours after the disconnection our customer was finally able to get hold of his driver who had woken up to find the vehicle no longer where it should be. We imagine the driver was massively relieved when our customer was able to tell him it had already been found and secured! 

This goes to show that even if you sleep through and miss your car being stolen  it doesn’t mean our team isn’t keeping an eye on your asset and it may even be recovered by the time you wake up!

This recovery took place in London which is currently our number one hotspot for recoveries so far this year. To protect your vehicle, further information on the products we provide can be found on our website or by giving us a call on: 0800 279 6401 or via

You can also find us on social media at:

Twitter: @smartrackltd


Instagram: @smartrackltd

Tiktok: @globaltelemetrics


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